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  ShutApp is specialized to clean Android background on your phone or tablet. By detecting and clearing running apps in your background, ShutApp helps save battery life and reduce mobile data usage. With this background cleaner, you will have an Android device that runs more efficiently and lastingly.**Features**Clear unused apps- close background apps you are not using within one tap.Longer battery life- eliminate stealthy apps & tasks eating away at your battery. Reduce data usage- close pesky background apps from using up your data without you knowing it.Clean notifications- apps that are shut down cannot push notifications any more.Whitelist- apps in your Whitelist will not be shut down but keep active in background.**Request permission**ShutApp will only work when the Accessibility Service is on in your Settings.Please follow the prompt upon launching ShutApp.**Statement**1.Due to the limitation of our resources and complexity of ROM, we cannot cover all devices but we are trying our best to test on Android devices as many as possible. If ShutApp does not work properly on your device, please contact us immediately so that we can find a solution for you.2.The percentage of battery and network data that are saved is calculated on the basis of an algorithm developed by us. It is not 100% accurate but we are working on it to improve the accuracy.**Contact us**Email us via:yirgalab@gmail.com.Like our Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/ShutApp/1529169070648092



  这些使ShutApp 成为非凡的节电应用。



  * 一键快速关闭耗电应用。关闭的应用将不会重新启动。

  * 在未ROOT 的手机上自动关闭后台应用。

  * 当手机未在使用时阻止数据流量,仅激活列表中的应用可以访问网络。(此功能需要安装打盹 Doze,我们开发的另一个应用)

  * 通过浮动魔法球接收通知和快速关闭应用。

  * 通过关闭不需要的应用来节省蜂窝网络数据使用。

  * 轻松查看正在运行的应用,并一键快速停止。

  * 白名单选项,排除不休眠的应用。

  * 在每天更新的 AppCafe 中找到你喜欢的极棒的应用。